Reducing road related risks with Vitality Active Rewards


"Improving driving behaviours that are key contributors to serious accidents on our roads is the primary focus of our driver behaviour programme," says Discovery Insure CEO, Anton Ossip.

"As drivers we are all exposed to risks on the road. At Discovery Insure, we know that driving behaviour is 96% more predictive of risk than actual claims history. So, as a very important predictor of risk, we continuously encourage better driving behaviours through the programme so as to help reduce as many road accidents or fatalities as we can, every day. This is where our Vitality Active Rewards offering has shown to be so powerful since we launched it in September 2015," he adds.

This behavioural change rewards system makes use of goal setting and micro-rewards to encourage good driving behaviours through the creation of habit formation. "When clients achieve their driving goal each week, they can reward themselves with Discovery Miles which they can use on a range of things that include meals, coffees, smoothies, and shopping vouchers," Ossip explains.

"We know that this works well. We've seen that clients who achieve their Vitality Active Rewards drive goal each week are 15 times more likely to improve and maintain their driving behaviour than those who achieve a drive goal at least once a month. To date, Vitality Drive clients have earned themselves over 10 million Vitality Active Rewards goals too.

Ossip explains further, "Clients who actively improve their driving score by more than 300 points a year also show a 24% reduction in motor accident frequency. This shows us that clients can form healthier driving habits, and not only enjoy rewards for their efforts, but also contribute to making improved road safety more of an everyday reality. After all, as road users, we all have an important role to play. The more of us who engage in improving how we use our country's roads, the better the experience with be for all users.

So, how do you achieve your Vitality Active Rewards drive goal?

It's quite simple - there are only three steps to achieving your drive goal and enjoying an array of rewards each week.

  • At the start of each week, you'll receive a personalized Vitality Active Rewards drive goal that is based on your previous week's driving behaviour.
    At the start of each day, you will be allocated 60 Drive points (or 50 Drive points if you have the standalone DQTrack).
    These are the same Drive points that contribute towards your monthly Driving Profile.
  • Step 2: Now is the part where you get involved - You can maintain your daily Drive points daily by proactively practising good driving behaviours:
    • Accelerating smoothly
    • Braking smoothly
    • Cornering smoothly
    • Driving within the speed limit
    • Not using your cellphone while behind the wheel
    When you practise these behaviours and drive well, you maintain the highest points figure that you can and fill your weekly drive ring on the Discovery app. Any harsh events, such as harsh breaking or taking a corner too quickly, will reduce your Drive points balance for the day. How much you lose depends on the type and severity of the harsh driving event. So the goal here is to maintain as many points through the week as possible by driving well every day.
  • Step 3: At the end of each day, you can check your drive points to see how much of your allocation for the week will be banked towards closing your Vitality Active Rewards drive ring. If you haven't driven on a particular day, no problem. By not driving at all, this reduces your risk and so you will still be rewarded points for days that you did not drive.

Once you've closed your drive ring, you've completed your goal for the week and can now enjoy a reward from the selection available. All you need to do is play the gameboard, pick a tile to reveal Discovery Miles (between 150 and 750 Discovery Miles) and spend these to enjoy more options to reward yourself with.

See how you can earn your first Vitality Active Reward here

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