You’ve been Diagnosed

Start your journey by learning about the medical and emotional support you need, where to find credible information, opening up to loved ones and more.

Discovery partnership turbo-charges breast cancer awareness

Working together to enhance training and advocacy in the public and private sector, the Discovery Fund and the Breast Health Foundation have made a significant impact in the detection, diagnosis and referral of breast cancer patients in South Africa.


How to tell your children about your cancer diagnosis

Cancer never happens in isolation. Your diagnosis will have far-reaching effects on all your loved ones, including your children. No matter what their ages, they have a knack of detecting when you’re upset or when something is wrong.


Engaging with your employer about your cancer

It isn’t easy to share your cancer diagnosis with others, especially if you’re still battling to come to terms with it yourself. Thinking about going public in the workplace can understandably fill you with anxiety and fear.


You've just been diagnosed: now what?

'Cancer.' Hearing your doctor utter the word can see you experience a heart-stopping moment, coupled with shock, disbelief and terror. These normal reactions can send you into a complete tailspin, as you begin exploring your options.


Navigating your Cancer Journey

'You're not alone'. While these three little words may offer little comfort while you're reeling from the shock of being newly diagnosed, it's an absolute given that no one ever faces their cancer journey in isolation.


Find your cancer voice

Finding your cancer voice is extremely empowering and will keep you in the know every step of the way. And if you're not getting all the answers you need, go for second, third or even fourth opinions until you do!


Find a cancer buddy early on

Your doctors, in all likelihood, haven't been where you are right now. While they talk the talk - and they definitely know what they're talking about – they haven't walked the walk, which is why you need to reach out and find a cancer buddy who has.


Engaging with your family and friends

Literature defines cancer as one of the most stressful medical diagnoses that anyone receives with the accompanying trauma affecting not only you as the patient but also your family and friends.


The importance of support and how to ask for help

A cancer dignosis is a heavy load to bear alone which is why you need support to help you through it. Emotional support can not only help you to cope with a more positive outlook, but to better adjust to the changes cancer brings to your life.


Where to find reliable medical information about your cancer diagnosis

A cancer diagnosis is overwhelming and one of the best ways to cope is by getting answers: credible, personalised, reliable and immediate responses. Which thanks to Discovery Health’s DrConnect app on you smartphone – are available 24/7.

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