Your Money Matters

Your Money Matters provides thought-provoking listening on every aspect of finances. With his sharp humour and conversational style, Bruce asks some tough questions on managing money well and how to build financial skills that pave the way towards greater security, financial freedom and life's rewards. Listen to the series here.

About your host:

Bruce Whitfield is an established business journalist with extensive knowledge on everything to do with money, financial planning and navigating the business arena. In this podcast, Bruce tackles banking, investing and protecting financial wellbeing in his enjoyable conversational style to make dealing with finances more relatable.

Inside Your Money Matters 

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FSCA MyMoney Learning Series  

With banking financial crime on the rise, consumers need to play an active role in protecting their personal information to avoid falling victim to fraudulent activity.

Watch our 10-part video series below, in partnership with the FSCA (Financial Sector Conduct Authority), to learn more about different types of banking fraud, what to do if you suspect fraud on your accounts, and how to take steps to protect your personal information and money.

Discovery's Women's Month collaborative campaign  

Here is a simplified approach to help you navigate through the process:

Conduct market research

Begin by identifying your target market, assessing the demand for your product or service and understand your competition. This research will form the foundation of your business strategy.

Develop a comprehensive business plan

Outline your business goals, marketing strategy, financial projections, and operational details. A wellstructured business plan will guide your decisions and help attract investors or lenders, should you require financing to start up your business.

Register your business

Determine your business structure, such as a private company or sole proprietorship. If you plan to register your business as a company, choose a unique name and register with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Complete the necessary forms on the CIPC portal ( to register your business, reserve a name and register with SARS at the same time.

Licenses and permits

Depending on the nature of your business, you may need specific licenses or permits to operate legally. Research and acquire the required documentation from the relevant government department or regulatory body.

Financial systems

Open a business bank account to separate your personal and business finances. Having a business bank account demonstrates professionalism and adds credibility to your business. It will allow you to track business related income and expenses more efficiently to monitor your budget and cash flow. It will aid in ensuring tax compliance with the South African Revenue Services (SARS). Business bank accounts often come with additional features and services tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs, such as lines of credit and business support. If you are unsure how to manage your business finances, consider employing the services of a professional bookkeeper or accountant.

Capital and funding

Determine your start-up costs and explore funding options. There are various options including personal savings, bank loans or grants, which include the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the National Empowerment Fund (NEF). You may consider preparing a compelling pitch and projections to present to potential investors or lenders.

Legal and Tax obligations

Familiarise yourself with tax laws and register for the appropriate taxes, such as value-added tax (VAT) and income tax. Consult with a professional tax consultant, bookkeeper, or accountant if you are unsure. Ensure compliance with labour laws, health and safety regulations and other legal obligations.

Establish a physical or virtual presence

Depending on your business model, secure a suitable location for your operations or set up an online platform. Consider factors such as accessibility, visibility, and cost-effectiveness. Your physical location may be temporary, so start small and as your business grows, you may move into a better suited location.

Market your business

Develop a marketing strategy to promote your products or services to your target audience. Utilise a mix of traditional and digital marketing techniques, such as social media, advertising and networking events, to raise awareness and attract customers. If you cultivate a positive reputation through word of mouth, your client base can expand organically.

Are you smart with your money?

Find financial freedom by reading our advice on how to save and grow your money, plan for your retirement, and more! Plus, we've got great tips from leading finance experts to ensure your financial wellbeing.

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